Shoqata e Bashkive kërkesë Kongresit të Autoriteteve Lokale të Këshillit te Evropës

E Enjte, 15 August 2019 12:18

Pas kapjes antikushtetuese te qeverisjes vendore me farsen e 30 Qershorit, Shoqata e Bashkive i kerkon një ekip monitorues prej Kongresit te Autoriteteve Lokale te Keshillit te Evropes, që të caktojë një mision monitorimi dhe vlerësimi në Shqipëri për zbatimin e Listës Evropiane të Qeverive Lokale.

Ne besojmë se është në përputhje me qëllimin dhe misionin e Kongresit për të ndihmuar vendet anëtare me mendime dhe rekomandime të paanshme kur në fjalë janë parimet themelore të qeverisjes vendore dhe pluralizmit.

Letra e plotë në anglisht

Tirana, 14 August 2019

To:Anders Knape

President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe

Andreas Kiefer Secretary General

Renate Zikmund Acting Executive Secretary of the Chamber of Local Authorities

Dmitri Marchenkov a.i. Executive Secretary of the Chamber of Regions

Re:Request for a monitoring mission to Albania

Honorable Mr. President,

Honorable representatives of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities,

With this letter, we would like to share with you our concerns on the enforcement of local democracy and pluralism in Albania following the voting of 30 June 2019. As you are aware the recent voting was carried out without full participation of political spectrum without meaningful political competition.

Unfortunately, as a result, a single political party will soon govern the local governments in Albania, undermining the foundations of pluralism and political representation. 61 municipalities will soon have 61 Mayors and local councilors representing one political party, the same as the central government. The same is true for 12 regional councils of Albania which will be made of representatives of the same party as municipal councils.

The current situation is a result of the absurd voting of 30 June, organized and held contrary the Albanian Constitution and legislation without participation of the opposition. The opposition recognized the Presidential Decree on the annulment of local elections of June 30 and acknowledged the new date of 13 October provided by another Decree of the President.

After 30 June, Albania finds itself in a political and institutional crisis which must be solved immediately ending the boycott of the opposition and establishing the full political representation via inclusive elections. We regretfully find that the Albanian local government risks to be ruled only by the political majority in force and not by the principles of rule of law and functional democracy as it is in all member countries of Council of Europe.

Therefore, we, representatives of the Association of Albanian Municipalities, request from the Congress to assign a monitoring and evaluation mission in Albania about to the implementation of the European Chart of Local Governments. We believe that it is in compliance with the scope and mission of the Congress to assist member countries with unbiased opinions and recommendations when the basic principles of local government and pluralism are in question.

We hope in a positive consideration of our request in deploying a monitoring mission in Albania which will contribute to the improvement of the unprecedent situation of Albania and other member countries.


Voltana Ademi


Association of Albanian Municipalities

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