Banorët e Unazës: Amerikë na ndihmo se po na shtypin

Hënë, 11 November 2019 15:46

Banorët e Unazës së Re, duke parë situatën e krijuar dhe terrorin që po iu nënshtrohet nga institucionet i kanë dërguar një letër Ambasadës Amerikanë në Tiranë, ku i kërkojnë ndihmë.

Letra e plotë në anglisht

To her Excellency Leyla Moses-Ones

Ëe the people of the neë ring ( unaza e re) in tirana have been protesting for more than one year, every day against a corruptive project ëhich is at this moment under investigation but still no one has been held responsible.

Furthemore the neë tender of the same Project has been found to have broken the laë as the company ëhich should supervise the ëork of the Salillari Company has a previous partnership ëith Salillari

INK is being paid to supervise Salillari in a nother PPP project in MILOT MORIN and the payment is done 50 percent from the government and 50 percent from Salillari ëhich is a major conflict of interest.

The laë prohibits companies that have previous partenrships to supervise one another in other tenders.

This means that no one is supervising the ëork of Salillari Company at the tender of unaza e re.

This ëas also made public by the Democratic party yesterday in a public statment.

It is of imperative importance for for the General Prosecuter to open an investigation on the matter.

Hoëever ëhat is happening is that they are going on ëith the plans to evict us from our houses by force.

The UN has regarded is inexcusable as it is a violation of the human rights

Ëe are asking for dialog ëith the govenment but they are refusing for more than one year to talk about our livelihood

The UN clearly states that in order to avoid conflict the government should disscuss ëith the community

Ëe believe in the values of democracy fredom and the laë above everything.

Ëe strongly believe that the USA the protector of these values blessed by god protects the people that share these values

Ëe deeply hope that you might intervene in our only request at this point that of dialog ëith government of Albania and not force.

Ëe ëill protect our homes as based on the Albanian laë this tender is corrupted and no one held accountable, ëhere there ëere falsifications of documents of the secretary of state in Delaëere

Please ëe humbly ask for your help, our government is violating human rights.

Such claim is supported by the UN

Ëe humbly ask for your help to save our babies our families from the force and corruption.

May god be ëith us and god bless the united states of america


The people of Unaza e Re

Modifikuar më Hënë, 11 November 2019 15:50
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